Over 1.000 courses to discover.
Artes and Humanities
Social Sciences, Commerce and Law
Science, Mathematics and Informatics
Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
Health and Social Protection
Warm climate
Rich in history and culture
Impressive landscapes and heritage
"I had guidance from a tutor who accompanied me. She helped me adapt."
Autor- Lucia Suharman (Indonesia), attended the Universidade of Aveiro
"The Portuguese are very receptive to us."
Autor- Jessica Ribeiro (Brazil), attended the University of Coimbra
"The nostalgia for Porto is immense ..."
Autor- Amanda da Silva (Brazil), attended the Portuguese Catholic University
"UAb allowed me to cross borders."
Autor- Guilherme Oliveira (Cape Verde) attended to the Universidad Aberta
"When I arrived in Madeira, I was very well received."
Autor- Clare Achilli (Italy), attended the University of Madeira
"Studying and living in Faro is the realization of a dream."
Autor- Luana Nesi de Mello (Brazil), attended the University of Algarve