Search for Courses
Materials Engineering

- University of Aveiro
- Bachelors degree
- Aveiro
- 6 semesters
Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering

- University of Coimbra
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Bachelors degree
- Coimbra
- 6 semesters
Network and Information Systems Engineering

- University of Porto
- Faculty of Sciences (FCUP)
- Masters degree
- Porto
- 120 ECTS
Data Science and Engineering

- University of Lisbon
- IST Técnico Lisboa
- Masters degree
- Lisboa
- 4 semesters
Information Systems and Computer Engineering Taguspark

- University of Lisbon
- IST Técnico Lisboa
- Bachelors degree
- Lisboa
- 6 semesters
Facade Technology

- NOVA School of Science & Technology
- Masters degree
- Lisboa
- 2 semesters
Sustainable Cities

- University of Algarve
- Institute of Engineering
- Other
- Faro
- 2 semesters
Spatial Planning

- University of Porto
- Faculty of Engineering (FEUP)
- Doctorate degree
- Porto
- 180 ECTS
Gastronomical Sciences

- NOVA School of Science & Technology
- Masters degree
- Lisboa
- 4 semesters

- University of Porto
- Faculty of Architecture (FAUP)
- Doctorate degree
- Porto
- 180 ECTS
Regional and Urban Planning

- University of Aveiro
- Masters degree
- Aveiro
- 4 semesters
Industrial Engineering and Management

- University of Évora
- School of Science and Technology
- Bachelors degree
- Évora
- 6 semesters
Product and Digital Technology

- University of Aveiro
- Masters degree
- Aveiro
- 4 semesters
Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering

- University of Aveiro
- Doctorate degree
- Aveiro
- 6-10 semesters
Biomedical Engineering

- University of Lisbon
- IST Técnico Lisboa
- Bachelors degree
- Lisboa
- 6 semesters

- University of Lisbon
- Lisbon School of Architecture
- Doctorate degree
- Lisboa
- 6 semesters
Structural Engineering

- University of Minho
- School of Engineering
- Masters degree
- Braga
- 4 semesters
Integrated Building Design and Construction

- University of Porto
- Faculty of Engineering (FEUP)
- Masters degree
- Porto
- 120 ECTS
Industrial Engineering and Management

- University of Lisbon
- IST Técnico Lisboa
- Bachelors degree
- Lisboa
- 6 semesters
Civil Engineering

- University of Lisbon
- IST Técnico Lisboa
- Doctorate degree
- Lisboa
- 8 semesters
Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture

- University of Coimbra
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Integrated Masters Degree (Bachelors+Masters degrees)
- Coimbra
- 10 semesters
Landscape Architecture

- University of Lisbon
- School of Agriculture
- Bachelors degree
- Lisboa
- 6 semesters
Civil Engineering

- University of Minho
- School of Engineering
- Masters degree
- Braga
- 4 semesters
Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering

- University of Lisbon
- IST Técnico Lisboa
- Masters degree
- Lisboa
- 4 semesters
Civil Engineering – Structures and Geotechnics

- NOVA School of Science & Technology
- Masters degree
- Lisboa
- 4 semesters
Industrial Engineering and Management

- University of Beira Interior
- Doctorate degree
- Covilhã
- 6 semesters
PhD Degree in Civil Engineering

- University of Coimbra
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Doctorate degree
- Coimbra
- 6 semesters
Smart Mobility

- University of Aveiro
- Masters degree
- Aveiro
- 4 semesters
Electrical Engineering

- University of Aveiro
- Doctorate degree
- Aveiro
- 6-10 semesters
Geographic Information Systems

- University of Algarve
- Faculty of Sciences and Technology
- Other
- Faro
- 2 semesters
Electrical and Computer Engineering

- University of Beira Interior
- Bachelors degree
- Covilhã
- 6 semesters
Chemical Engineering

- University of Lisbon
- IST Técnico Lisboa
- Integrated Masters Degree (Bachelors+Masters degrees)
- Lisboa
- 10 semesters
Engineering Physics

- University of Aveiro
- Bachelors degree
- Aveiro
- 6 semesters
Naval and Oceanic Engineering

- University of Lisbon
- IST Técnico Lisboa
- Doctorate degree
- Lisboa
- 8 semesters
Informatics Engineering

- University of Aveiro
- Masters degree
- Aveiro
- 4 semesters
Civil Engineering

- University of Aveiro
- Bachelors degree
- Aveiro
- 6 semesters
Structural Design

- University of Aveiro
- Masters degree
- Aveiro
- 4 semesters
Food Science and Technology and Nutrition

- University of Aveiro
- Doctorate degree
- Aveiro
- 6-10 semesters
Telecommunications- MAP-Tele

- University of Aveiro
- Doctorate degree
- Aveiro
- 6-10 semesters
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

- NOVA School of Science & Technology
- Doctorate degree
- Lisboa
- 8 semesters